
Labradorite Properties


Key words: Protection, Creativity, Mystical, Light Workers

Spiritual: Divine Feminine,  Physical & Ethereal body alignment, Intuition & Psychic gifts, Ascension processes, Raises consciousness, Deflects unwanted negative energy, Prevents energy leakage, Cleans and protects aura.

Physical: Eyes, Brain, Mystery Ill-nesses* finder, Radiation exposure, Stress, Metabolism balance, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, Hormone balance, Menstrual tensions, Blood pressure

Emotional: Regulated fears and insecurities, Calms overactive mind, Strength & Perseverance

Astrological signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio, Leo

Element: Wind

Chakras: All

Position: Higher Heart Chakra

Animals: Crows & Ravens

Compliments: Juniper berry plant & essential oil

Cosmo: Moon, Uranus, Arcturus-The Gold Red Star, Northern lights (aurora borealis), Southern lights (aurora australis)

Angel: Archangel Raphael, the healing angel

Care: Cleanse/ energize on the night of the New Moon

Crystal harmonies: other feldspars, Moonstone, Sunstone, Spectrolite, & Golden Labradorite

Structure: MOHs: 6-6.5

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